Describe your experience when you changed your school/college
You should say:
Why did you change your school/college?
When was it?
Was that helpful?
What were the consequences after that?
Sample Answer:
- Changing my school or college was a difficult experience for me because it was such a big change in my life.
- I was a student in a small town where everyone knew everyone and I had already made a lot of friends.
- So, making the decision to leave that familiar environment and go to a new school or college was a difficult one.
- The reason why I decided to change my school/college was because I wanted to pursue a higher education.
- I wanted to challenge myself and be exposed to different types of knowledge and experiences.
- I felt that I could benefit from the different opportunities that a larger school or college could offer.
- The change happened when I was in my final year of high school.
- Since I was already familiar with the educational system, I felt confident enough to take the leap and apply for a college in the city.
- It was a big decision, but I felt like it was the right one for me.
- The change was helpful for me in the long run because I was exposed to different kinds of teachers and courses that I wouldn’t have been able to access in my small town.
- It also gave me the opportunity to meet new people and explore a new city.
- The consequences after that were both positive and negative.
- One of the positive consequences was that I was able to learn a lot more and gain valuable knowledge.
- However, one of the negative consequences was that I was missing out on my friends and the familiarity of my small town.
- I had to adjust to a new environment and learn to make new friends, which was a challenge.
- Overall, changing my school or college was a difficult experience, but it was worth it in the end.
- I was able to benefit from the new opportunities and knowledge that I gained from the experience.
- Although I missed my old friends and the familiarity of my small town, I was able to learn a lot and gain valuable lessons from my experience.
Important words:
- Change: To make or become different.
- Experience: The process of doing and seeing things and of having things happen to you.
- Pursue: To follow after in order to catch or achieve something.
- Challenge: A task or situation that tests someone’s abilities.
- Expose: To make something known, or to make something visible.
- Leap: A sudden and large jump.
- Consequences: Result of an action or situation.
- Positive: Having a good or beneficial effect.
- Negative: Having a bad or harmful effect.