Studies have suggested that nowadays children watch much more television than they did in the past and spend less time on active or creative things.
What are the reasons and what measures should be taken to encourage children to spend more time on active or creative things?
Many researchers have found that these days, children under the age of 18 spend much of their time watching TV as compared to the past and this has significantly reduced the time they spend on other physical or creative activities. The main reason behind this trend is an increased number of kids channels, and the most viable solution to this is motivating children to participate in other activities.
The primary reason why adolescents today spend more time watching TV is that in recent years, numerous television channels are introduced for children only. When children return from school, they spend most of their time watching cartoons and other funny programs on these channels. This leaves meagre time, and therefore, they are unable to engage themselves in other activities. For example, when I was a child, there were only two TV channels and there were only a few programs devoted to children. Therefore, to engage me, I preferred playing outside and participate in other fun activities.
To tackle this issue, parents and teachers should take initiatives to encourage their children to stop watching television and take part in other creative and fun activities. They can take them out in the group to play games and send them in workshop activities. This will help children to become physically fit when they play games and improve their cognitive skills when they attend children’s workshops. To illustrate, a recent study by Cambridge University found that children who take part in sports and other creative activities are more likely to have a better overall development.
In conclusion, the children are spending much of their time watching TV because new TV channels are introduced to entertain children, and to handle this issues, active participation is required from children’s parents and teachers.