Why people are immigrating to Canada?

Canada has one of the most positive immigration policies in the world. The Canadian Government plans to admit over thousands of immigrants each year.


Jobs in Canada

Thousands of workers are needed by Canadian companies to fill jobs in Canada in a range of high-demand occupations, due in large part to an ongoing labor shortage.


Safety and Security

Canada is known for being one of the safest countries on Earth, both in terms of its relatively low level of violent crime as well as its political stability.


Free Education

People who immigrate to Canada have access to its excellent education system, which includes several of the world's top institutions of higher education.


Free health care

Another good reason to move to Canada is that Canadian citizens and permanent residents receive free basic healthcare.


Unemployment Benefits

Employment Insurance is provides regular benefits to individuals who lost their jobs through no fault of their own up to six months.


Social Welfare

Entitlement to government welfare benefits (in case of necessity), free medical facilities, free education, old age insurance, unemployment insurance etc.


Dual Citizenship allowed


Permanent residence status within three years of arrival in Canada

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