10 Secrets for  E-commerce Website to rank higher

10 Secrets for  E-commerce Website to rank higher


Internet is expanding to remote areas with the rise in network and technology. In this scenario, E-Commerce market is forecasted to grow exponentially. Therefore, it is important to work on product display page and fine tune page to rank higher in search engine.

Why you focus on SEO?



Structured data or schema should be added to product page. A specific structure is used to add variables, price, product name, and other product related information in specific pattern so that search engine can read information on your page.

Add structured data in your product page



Adding high quality frequently asked helps you product page to rank high in SERp's rating. If visitors do not find any useful information, it leads to high bounce rat. Also include FAQ structured data in FAQ section.

Add FAQs section on product page



Include reviews by customers who bought products from you. This will help you to improve sales. As users leave review on your website, send this review to Google review schema so that unique content sent to Google.

Share customers review



Optimizing website for mobile users is really important. Fast-loading page will present your product in front of users quickly. You should target your page must load within three seconds.

Check Page load speed



If product listed on website goes out of stock , do not remove it from website. If your product page has more reach, you show other related products on this page that visitors can choose from.

Keep your out-of-stock products



If you add internal linking and backlinks to your website, it helps customers to retain on website and more likely to increase conversions. Links basically improve visibility and performance.

Pay close attention to internal linking and backlink



Product description provided on manufacturer's website is not up to the mark and is not compelling and not optimized for search engine.  Try to optimize your content to make is more informative and engaging.

Avoid copying content from manufacturer's website



Product description and meta description should always be unique. Try to include unique keywords in unique. Meta description should be compelling and encourage people to click on your listing. 

Unique Product and Meta Description



Always try to find keywords related to product focused topics. Your product pages  should be optimized for searchers ready to buy.

Keyword research strategy



You should watch following issues: Duplicate title tags Meta description Broken links 404 pages 302 redirects Missing structured data

Check technical issues on product pages


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